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What is the best form of magnesium?

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One of the most popular supplements is magnesium, which many people take on a daily basis. Magnesium is available in different forms, but shortly speaking, magnesium glycinate and citrate are generally considered the best.
It is important to understand the effects of different forms of magnesium.
Magnesium glycinate, or bisglycinate, is a chelated form of magnesium that is well absorbed and does not cause stomach problems, even for sensitive people. It calms the nerves and relaxes the muscles and is recommended to be taken in the evening.
Magnesium citrate is also well-absorbed, but it is a salt of citric acid, so it can affect the stomach in more sensitive people. Magnesium citrate is usually taken around mid-morning because it speeds up digestion and metabolism, rather than providing energy.
There are many product on the market, that contain  containing magnesium glycinate and these claim to contain suspiciously high levels of magnesium. For example, one brand offers a 500 mg capsule of “magnesium glycinate”, and it is widely sold in Estonia. It is labelled as containing 90 mg of pure or elemental magnesium per 500 mg capsule. However, this is not possible because the amount of glycinate powder that can fit into such a capsule cannot contain that much magnesium. As can be seen from the table below, a maximum of 70 mg of magnesium can be contained in one 500 mg capsule in the form of bisglycinate, and only if there are no other additives and the product is 100% pure. This is because magnesium bisglycinate theoretically contains 14.1% magnesium calculated on a molecular weight basis. In reality raw material availabel contains no more than 12%. So when someone says that such a 500 mg capsule contains 90 mg of magnesium, there is  a logical error somewhere.
So how is it possible that some products contain much more magnesium, for example 18-20%? After all, the labels clearly state that glycinate is the only ingredient containing magnesium in there. The only possible answer is that the product does not actually contain pure magnesium bisglycinate. So what else is there? In most cases, it is magnesium oxide, which really does contain much more magnesium, as much as 58%, and when mixed with glycinate, the magnesium content of the end product can be indicated as much higher. Will adding magnesium oxide directly harm your health? Maybe not, but the risk of diarrhoea is increased, and it’s low absorbtion means that such a product is of little use. Magnesium oxide is used as a diuretic in higher doses.
This is how many manufacturers mislead customers, and it has led to the first court cases in the US, where customers have directly accused manufacturers of fraud.
So let’s read the labels carefully. Let’s see if it mentions anywhere the presence of magnesium oxide or other hidden ingredients that are not on the list of active substances. Avoid magnesium products that contain “buffered” magnesium glycinate mixed with oxide. This usually means, in other words, that something suspicious has been mixed in with the product.
Avoid bisglycinate, which contains more than 12% magnesium. The following is a brief summary of the different forms of magnesium that have been available, and the percentage of elemental magnesium present in each form. It is a good  to check whether a product contains only the form of magnesium it claims to contain, or whether magnesium oxide has been added to increase the percentage.
Form of magnesium % Mg Description Main use
Mg oxide 58% Generally used in diuretics or in low-cost food supplements, poorly absorbed. Gastric juicer
Magnesium citrate 11% Frequently used form, good absorption, but can be a little stomach-loosening, especially in large quantities. speeds up metabolism and digestion, gives energy
Magnesium (bis)glycinate 11-12% Good absorption, mostly does not affect the stomach and is well tolerated by sensitive people. The amino acid glycine in the molecule has a calming effect on the nervous system. Insomnia, restlessness, muscle cramps, unsteady legs
Mg malate 11% Malate boosts energy production inside cells Fibromyalgia, fatigue, muscle pain
Mg taurate 8.8% Affects electrical signals, the heart and the brain Heart disease, arrhythmia
Mg threonate 8.1% Studies show that it can cross the blood-brain barrier Brain problems, memory, concentration problems


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