rTG - a form of restored triglycerides (more information about the process HERE)
TG = triglyceride form
EE = ethyl ester form
EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid
DHA - docosahexaenoic acid
PCB-d: Polychlorinated biphenyls
Heavy metals: You can read the health effects HERE
Dioxins: You can read the health effects SIIT
Our bodies can produce EPA and DHA from plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids, but only in very small amounts. Moreover, in recent decades, the proportion of these fatty acids in our diet has decreased due to modern intensive farming methods and changing dietary habits.
Additionally, the amount of fatty acids that can be converted into EPA and DHA in our bodies or obtained from food is too low. This is directly linked to excessive Omega-6 consumption. Omega-6 fatty acids are far less beneficial to our bodies than Omega-3s.
However, Omega-6 is found everywhere: all industrially processed, modern foods are rich in Omega-6. It accumulates throughout the food chain, where livestock feed often relies heavily on plant-based fats such as rapeseed and sunflower oil. Omega-6 fatty acids also consume all the enzymes in the body that are necessary to convert plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids into DHA and EPA.
Therefore, anyone who decides to increase their intake of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids will only notice a difference if they simultaneously drastically reduce their Omega-6 intake. We should consume equal amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. In reality, however, the balance is far from ideal. We consume about 15 to 50 times more Omega-6 than plant-based Omega-3. You can read more about the importance of balancing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids here.
Excessive Omega-6 crowds out Omega-3 and integrates into cell membranes instead. This leads to the production of billions of inflammation-promoting molecules, which are considered a key factor in the development and exacerbation of certain chronic inflammatory diseases.
This alarming situation could be mitigated by daily consumption of fatty fish enriched with EPA and DHA. However, clean and high-quality fatty fish is neither easily accessible nor affordable. Additionally, fish often contains so many contaminants that daily consumption is not advisable. Our daily Omega-3 intake in the form of EPA and DHA from fish and seafood is far below the recommended minimum and even further from optimal levels.
The simplest and most effective way to address this issue and quickly restore cell membranes to a healthy state is through supplementation with EPA and DHA.
EPA and DHA are molecules that are located in the fatty layers around our body cells, or cell membranes. Based on this strategic location, they influence various functions in our body.
EPA and DHA help our body fight against chronic inflammation and metabolic problems.
Adding EPA and DHA to cell membranes keeps them flexible and optimally permeable. And this is very important because an impermeable membrane means that fewer substances can be exchanged across the membrane, which in turn leads to chronic inflammation.
In addition, in an emergency situation such as systemic inflammation, the body can use its Omega 3 reserves and convert these fatty acids into anti-inflammatory molecules. The exact opposite happens with Omega 6: these fatty acids are converted into pro-inflammatory substances that are the basis of metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
In recent years, several studies have shown the importance of Omega 3 supplementation in the prevention of acute coronary syndrome and other cardiovascular diseases.
These effects can be explained by several mechanisms. Supplemental consumption of Omega 3 reduces the concentration of Omega 6 fatty acids in cell membranes, which in turn reduces their conversion into derivative compounds that promote inflammation. In addition, it affects atherosclerotic plaques, which are the basis for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Omega 3 fatty acids help lower blood pressure and triglycerides (high levels of which are a recognized risk factor). Fatty acids cause the liver to produce less triglycerides, which are removed from the liver via a special LDL (or so-called bad cholesterol) transport pathway. Omega 3 fatty acids also stabilize atherosclerotic plaques by reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines and inhibiting the adhesion of monocytes to the vessel wall. In addition, Omega 3 regulates many genes, especially those affecting lipid metabolism.
Several studies have shown that several weeks of supplemental EPA intake leads to a significant reduction in depressive symptoms in people suffering from major depression.
It is also thought that postpartum depression may result from a decrease in the amount of EPA and DHA in a pregnant woman's cells, leaving her with a minimal supply after pregnancy. Researchers have found that it takes about a year for the original levels of EPA and DHA to be restored and for the body to restore the amounts needed for proper serotonin and choline (vitamin B4) function. DHA normally makes up 10 to 20% of the fatty acid composition of the brain. Low levels of DHA in brain cell membranes do not only lead to depression. It can also lead to a lack of dopamine in the cerebral cortex, which in turn contributes to a decline in cognitive ability and can damage the development of the nervous system.
When DHA is part of the cell membrane, the membrane becomes more flexible. This flexibility affects the speed of transduction and neurotransmission. It also affects the development of neuronal branches, synapse formation, neuronal plasticity, neuronal maturation and migration to their destinations, thus playing an important role in motor, sensory and cognitive development. Several researchers have proven that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids has a positive effect on learning ability.
DHA accounts for more than 30% of the total fatty acid content in the retina. It is one of the main components in the membranes of the outer segments of photoreceptors (especially the sensitive elements that support vision in the dark). The constant renewal of these cell constituents requires a regular and extensive supply of DHA or one of the DHA precursors. DHA is necessary for phototransduction, the process by which incident light is converted into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain in order to see something. Not surprisingly, DHA deficiency is linked to a variety of problems related to our vision, such as age-related macular degeneration.
Opt for a supplement with the highest possible percentage of EPA and DHA in the form of rTG (a form of reconstituted triglycerides). This form ensures maximum absorption. The rTG form is absorbed in the body up to 70% better compared to the synthetic EE form (ethyl esters).
Choose fish oil concentrate from sustainably sourced, non-endangered wild fish species (Friend of the Sea® certified). Several studies show that farmed fish contain less Omega 3 fatty acids and more Omega 6 fatty acids. This difference can be explained by the feeding of farmed fish: wild fish feed on small fish, crustaceans and microalgae, which are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids; in contrast, farmed fish are often fed grains and vegetable oils rich in Omega 6. Farmed fish are also usually kept in poor and inhumane conditions, and treatment with antibiotics and antifungal agents is very common.
In order to ensure that the fish is completely free from toxins (PCBs, heavy metals and dioxins), choose an environmentally friendly purification method such as "SFC" (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography), which provides the highest EPA and DHA content in 100% pure oil.
Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely sensitive to oxidation. Therefore, tocopherols (vitamin E) are added as antioxidants, which ensure that fatty acids are preserved as long as possible. And it is for this reason that we recommend keeping the jar in a dry and cool place, away from sunlight.
After omega-3 is consumed and absorbed into the body, EPA and DHA are absorbed into cell membranes together with phospholipids. Omega 3 is better absorbed with fatty foods such as yogurt or olive oil and other fat-enriched foods.
Absorption is a slow process: therefore it is important to consume Omega 3 every day for several weeks or even several months. Only then can beneficial effects be observed.
Additional consumption of Omega 3 is reflected in the phospholipid composition of cell membranes. The NAT-2 study showed that consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids leads to a significant increase in Omega 3 content in cell membranes (up to 70% more). To achieve this, it is recommended to reduce Omega 6 intake while supplementing with Omega 3.
Yes. These two compounds can cross the blood-brain barrier very well with the help of unique transport proteins. Several human studies prove that oral consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids leads to an increase in Omega 3 content in the tissues of the central nervous system.
Some brands state that they have an IFOS certified laboratory. Sometimes it has to do with the raw material from their supplier rather than the batch of the brand they bought:
More information can be found at: https://certifications.nutrasource.ca/certified-products
WHC Labs analyzes can be found at:https://certifications.nutrasource.ca/certified-products/brand?id=WHCC
You can make a difference by choosing oil from non-endangered species that has been refined in an environmentally friendly way. Our contract manufacturing facilities are Pharma cGMP certified and comply with the European environmental management standard EMAS.