67,50 €
Mixture for digestive support 383 g
GastroThera™ supports the balance of the entire digestive system and its mucosa, cells and microorganisms. GastroThera™ contains the amino acid glutamine, which is a good source of energy for the cells of the gastrointestinal tract and helps meet the energy needs of the digestive system, liver, and supports immunity in stressful situations. The soluble fiber of acacia and inulin is easily fermentable and is converted by digestion into short-chain fatty acids, which in turn support the growth of beneficial bacteria, absorb water and support digestion. N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine helps improve mucus secretion which protects the intestines. GastroThera™ can be taken regularly or occasionally to support digestion and is often used in combination with probiotics. The powder has a neutral taste and dissolves well in water.
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